How To Get A PCO License In London

Navigating the Process of Obtaining a PCO License: Let PCO London Guide You

Are you intrigued by the prospect of a career as a private hire driver? If so, one of the crucial steps on your journey is acquiring a PCO license. While the process might initially appear complex, a bit of preparation and patience will pave the way for you to swiftly secure your status as a licensed PCO driver.

Here are some essential tips to help you through the PCO license application process:

Meet the Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for a PCO license, you must be at least 21 years old, possess a valid UK driving license for a minimum of three years, hold a clean criminal record (minor traffic offenses excluded), and carry valid insurance.

Complete the Application Process:

This phase involves filling out an application form and submitting requisite documents like copies of your driving license and insurance certificate.

Pass a Medical Examination:

A medical examination is essential to ensure your fitness for driving. This examination will involve a visit to your GP.

Undergo a Background Check:

Expect a background check to be conducted by the local authority, with police verifying your criminal record.

Ace the Topographical Skills Test:

To successfully pass the topographical skills test, which evaluates your familiarity with local routes and landmarks, you'll need assistance. This is where we come in!

PCO London: Your Partner in Navigating PCO License Journey

At PCO London, our mission is to empower you to flourish as a private hire driver. We are dedicated to delivering unparalleled service and unwavering support, ensuring you receive the finest training possible.

When it comes to preparing for the topographical skills test, our expertise shines. We equip you with the knowledge you need to excel, boosting your chances of passing the test with flying colours.

So, if you're set on becoming a licensed driver in London, look no further than PCO London. Embark on this journey with confidence by following the steps on our website to book your lessons. For any inquiries, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Your PCO license journey begins with us – start today!